Sieg-News: Der dritte 2-Jährige Sieger in 2017
Die Westerberger Aufzucht South Coast siegte am 25.6.2017 in München. >> mehr lesenDer dritte 2-Jähriger Sieger in 2017: Die Westerberger Aufzucht South Coast (2015, Stute v. Areion – South Bay, Züchter: R. Lerner) gewann am 25. Juni 2017 überlegen über 1.200m in München. Die Gewinnsumme betrug 3.000 Euro. Die Stute war ein Angebot des Gestütes Westerberg zur Herbstauktion 2016. SOUTH COAST ist bereits der dritte Sieger des Jahrganges 2015, der bei uns aufgewachsen ist – nach Westpoint Scher (2015, Stute v. Pastorius – Warrior Czarina, Züchter: Stall Scher) in Usbekistan und Blue Tango (2015, Hengst v. Zebedee (GB) – Beatify (IRE), Züchter: F. Sommer) in Frankreich.
Presse-Stimme zum Rennenvon South Coast: This was the third German two-year-old race of the year so far and all three winners have been sired by Areion. After two withdrawals, there were only three runners and South Coast, having raced in last into the straight, was switched to the outside to rush into the lead two furlongs out, and despite veering sharply right, went further and further clear. She is the only recorded live foal of her dam South Bay (With Approval), who was unplaced on her only start. The next dam Sevres (Platini) won three races and bred three winners, none at black-type level, while her own dam South Pacific (King’s Lake) was placed once in four starts and bred one minor winner and the next dam Scilla (Alpenkonig) never ran. None of this is very distinguished and South Coast was bought in for €5,000 at last October’s BBAG mixed sale. However, she is in fact a member of admittedly a minor branch of arguably Germany’s most successful postwar family, that of Schwarzgold, her eighth dam. Scilla bred the smart Solon (Local Suitor), Gwyn Stakes winner and Gr.1 Prix Vermeille runner-up Cloud Castle (In The Wings; dam of the Gr.3 Winter Hill Stakes winner Queen’s Best and the Listed Prix Rene Badel winner Reverie Solitaire; grandam of the Gr.1 Breeders’ Cup Fillies’ and Mares’ Turf winner Queen’s Trust and the German Gr.2 winner Royal Solitaire), as well as Lunda (Soviet Star; dam of the dual Gr.3 Arc Trial winner and dual Gr.1-placed Blue Monday; grandam of the dual Gr.2 winner, dual Gr.1-placegetter and sire Mehmas and fourth dam of the Gr.1 Poule d’Essai des Pouliches and Gr.1 Prix Diane winner Avenir Certain). The third dam is the Listed Sweet Solera Stakes winner Lucayan Princess (High Line).
Mehr Erfolge vom Westerberg gibt es hier.